PStack  2.0
Stack trace printer for MSVC and GCC binaries
framework Directory Reference

This directory contains definitions upon which the entire system relies.


Directory dependency graph for framework:


file  default_close_handle.hpp [code]
 Introduces a functor to wrap CloseHandle() for RAII handle containers.
file  iomanip.hpp [code]
 Augment the C++ standard header file, iomanip.
file  managed_handle_proxy.hpp [code]
 Provide an internal class for safely altering a managed handle by address within its container.
file  memory.hpp [code]
 Wraps the C++ standard header, memory, to provide a uniform interface.
file  not_assignable.hpp [code]
 Defines the psystem::not_assignable interface.
file  not_copyable.hpp [code]
 Defines the psystem::not_assignable interface.
file  platform.hpp [code]
 Master header file for Platform-wide declarations.
file  shared_handle.hpp [code]
 Declare an RAII container for sharing system API handles (psystem::shared_handle).
file  shared_library.hpp [code]
 Define a base type to perform on-demand loading of shared libraries.
file  stack_allocated.hpp [code]
 Defines the psystem::stack_allocated interface.
file  type_traits.hpp [code]
 Wraps the C++ standard header, type_traits, to provide a few more metafunctions.
file  unique_handle.hpp [code]
 Declare an RAII container for system API handles (psystem::unique_handle).

Detailed Description

This directory contains definitions upon which the entire system relies.

The idea of the framework directory is that it contains very rudimentary structures to facilitate more rapid development. This area has utilies to make use of RAII for platform-specific resources that do not (easily) support it. It also supplies types and macros to abstract away differences in compilers.

Matt Bisson
5 August, 2014
PSystem 2.0
PSystem 2.0