PStack  2.0
Stack trace printer for MSVC and GCC binaries
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 1234]
 Naddr2lnContains functionality required to map addresses to source code information
 Caddr2ln_optionsParse and maintain options that alter the execution of Addr2Ln
 Coptions_dataThe full set of options information available to addr2ln::addr2ln_options
 NproclibContains the library for debugging running processes
 Cbase_debug_event_listenerA polymorphic interface for detecting events received by the debugger
 Cdebug_engineA management interface for debugging applications
 Cprocess_debuggerDebugging facility for an individual process
 Cdispatching_event_listenerThe implementation class for passing debugger events to registered listeners
 NpstackContains modules that make up the PStack stack-printing application
 Cdebug_event_dumperAs this class encounters events, it prints details to stdout
 Cpstack_event_handlerHandle debugger events with the goal of generating stack traces
 Cpstack_optionsParse and maintain options that alter the execution of PStack
 Coptions_dataThe full set of options information available to pstack::pstack_options
 NpsystemContains the process examination "system" and basic frameworks
 NexceptionAll exceptions used by the psystem namespace exist in this namespace
 Cbase_exceptionBase exception class from which all PSystem exceptions must inherit
 Csystem_exceptionAn exception type to encapsulate errors presented by the system API
 Cui_exceptionAn exception class to present unexpected user input as errors
 NformatFormatting facilities for std::ostream output
 NinternalInternal structures used for the psystem::format namespace
 Chex_ostream_output_tagInternal, intermediate result of the psystem::format::hex() function
 Cmask_ostream_output_tagInternal, intermediate result of the mask() function
 Cptr_ostream_output_tagInternal, intermediate result of the ptr() function
 Cswtch_ostream_output_tagInternal, intermediate result of the mask() function
 NinternalPSystem utilities not meant for external consumption
 Cmanaged_handle_proxyAllows safe modification of a managed handle container when accessed by the handle's address
 Cdbghelp_symbol_engineProvide an facility (using DbgHelp) for reading and mapping debugger symbols
 Cdebug_help_dllWraps invocations into the Windows DbgHelp DLL onto a lazily-loaded version
 Cdefault_close_handleA simple functor to close handles (for use with RAII handle containers)
 Cdll_export_iteratorIterator type for Windows Dynamic Link-Library (DLL) exports
 Cdll_export_viewExposes a DLL's symbol export table
 Chas_void_return_typeA template metafunction to determine if T is a function with a void return type
 Cimage_symbol_iteratorIterator type for COFF-format debugging symbols
 Cmodule_infoContains information about an executable image or shared library
 Cnot_assignableRemoves the ability to use an assignment operation on derived classes
 Cnot_copyableRemove the ability to copy or reassign from derived classes
 Cprocess_infoA container object for a process's information
 Cshared_handleShare management of a single "handle" between multiple owners
 Cshared_handle_dataThe basic control block for a shared_handle
 Cshared_handle_data_with_deleteA control block for a shared_handle with a user-specified deleter
 Cshared_libraryLoad shared libraries into the current process for execution
 Cloaded_functionEncapsulate a loaded function's address into a callable functor
 Cloaded_function< T, std::true_type >Provide a specialization for loaded_function to handle a void return type
 Cloaded_function_baseCommon base class for all specializations of loaded_function
 Cstack_allocatedDisable heap allocation and deallocation
 Cstack_frameContains data about a single frame in a stack trace
 CsymbolA container for data about a single debugger symbol
 Csymbol_file_moduleEncapsulates a module (file) for the purpose of gathering debugging symbols
 Csymbol_viewExposes an executable image's debugging symbol data
 Cthread_infoA container for a single thread of execution in a process
 Cunique_handleUniquely manage a single "handle"
 Cunique_handle< T, default_close_handle< T >, kInvalidHandle >Uniquely manage a single "handle" with (optimized for the default "deleter")
 Cunique_handle_implBase unique_handle functionality common to all template specializations
 Chash< psystem::shared_handle< T, kInvalidHandle > >Forward the hash functor along to the underlying handle type for psystem::shared_handle
 Chash< psystem::unique_handle< T, D, kInvalidHandle > >Forward the hash functor along to the underlying handle type for psystem::unique_handle